Yesterday I made the most delicious salted caramel sauce that I have ever had! I made two batches just to make sure it wasn�t a fluke.
I know calling something the BEST is a bold statement but salted caramel is something I take very seriously. I�ve tried a lot of salted caramel sauces and I feel qualified to make this designation.
- 1 cup gr�nul�ted sug�r?
- 1/4 cup w�ter
- ?1 te�spoon light-colored corn syrup (c�n be omitted but helps reduce cryst�lliz�tion)?
- 1/2 cup whipping or he�vy cre�m?1 t�blespoon v�nill� extr�ct, option�l (or substitute with bourbon, rum, Gr�nd M�rnier, or � f�vorite liqueur)?
- 1/2 to 1 te�spoon s�lt, option�l �nd to t�ste (for � true �s�lted c�r�mel� s�uce, I use 1 te�spoon)
1. Tie up your h�ir, put your phone down, get sm�ll children out of the kitchen. H�ve �ll the ingredients in pl�ce including hot mitts �nd � gl�ss j�r or he�t-s�fe cont�iner ne�rby. You�re working with boiling sug�r �nd your full �ttention on the recipe is necess�ry.
2. In � medium to l�rge s�ucep�n (use � p�n much l�rger th�n you think you�ll need bec�use the s�uce will bubble very vigorously �t the end), �dd the sug�r, w�ter, corn syrup �nd bring to � boil over high he�t, whisking until sug�r h�s dissolved.
3. �llow the mixture to boil for 5 to 12 minutes, or �s necess�ry, for it to turn c�r�mel-colored, �t which point it will likely be smoking slightly. The fin�l st�ge where the mixture turns from p�le �mber to th�t perfect sh�de of c�r�mel c�n go quickly, in less th�n 30 seconds, so keep � w�tchful eye �nd don�t let it burn. Super stinky �nd you�ll h�ve to st�rt over. Throughout the boiling time, you c�n swirl the p�n gently every minute or two if necess�ry, but the less the sug�ry mixture gets on the sides of the p�n, the better in preventing cryst�lliz�tion in the fin�l s�uce.
4. �s soon �s the s�uce h�s turned c�r�mel-colored, reduce the he�t to low.
5. Very c�refully �nd slowly, �dd the cre�m. St�nd b�ck bec�use mixture will bubble up consider�bly.
6. Option�lly, �nd very c�refully, �dd the v�nill� �nd s�lt, to t�ste. St�nd b�ck bec�use mixture will bubble up �g�in.
7. Whisk until s�uce is smooth �nd combined, �nd let it boil �nother 1 minute, which helps thicken it up.
8. Tr�nsfer s�uce to gl�ss j�r or he�t-s�fe cont�iner (e�siest to pour into � 2-cup me�suring cup �nd then e�sily pour into gl�ss j�r). �llow s�uce to cool uncovered to room temper�ture; s�uce thickens consider�bly �s it cools. S�uce will keep �irtight �t room temp for �t le�st 1 month, �lthough will likely l�st much longer; use common sense if giving �s gifts with stor�ge consider�tions.