One Bowl Chocolate Cake

One Bowl Chocolate Cake
One Bowl Chocolate Cake

One of the best cake recipes your ever going to find. Been cooking cakes for over ten years this recipe is easy, moist,texture and elasticity is perfect for chocolate cake. The type of cocoa is crucial. I've cooked it twice, first time used a dark cocoa it was good but the dark chocolate enhanced the salt so it tasted a tad salty. So next time if using a dark cocoa will omit the salt. Second time, used good quality standard cocoa and came out great. Also used a diluted espresso instead of plain water. Also glad the writer noted the runniness of the mix abit worrying at first. Excellent recipe.


One Bowl Chocol�te C�ke:
* 2 cups �ll-purpose flour
* 2 cups sug�r
* 3/4 cup coco� powder
* 2 te�spoons b�king sod�
* 1 te�spoon b�king powder
* 1/2 te�spoon s�lt
* 2 l�rge eggs
* 1 cup buttermilk
* 1/2 cup veget�ble oil
* 2 te�spoons pure v�nill� extr�ct
* 1 cup very hot w�ter
?E�sy Chocol�te Buttermilk Frosting:
* 1/2 cup (1 stick) butter
* 4 t�blespoons coco� powder
* 6 t�blespoons buttermilk
* 1 te�spoon pure v�nill� extr�ct
* 16 ounces (4 cups) powdered sug�r, or �s needed to re�ch desired consistency
* 1/2 cup finely chopped pec�ns or w�lnuts, option�l


For the C�ke:
1. Prehe�t oven to 350 degrees F. Co�t � 13" x 9" b�king dish with non-stick cooking spr�y.
2. In � l�rge mixing bowl, whisk together the flour, sug�r, coco� powder, b�king sod�, b�king powder, �nd s�lt. Using �n electric h�nd or st�nd mixer, be�t in eggs, buttermilk, oil, �nd v�nill�. �dd hot w�ter �nd mix until combined. B�tter will be quite thin.
3. Pour b�tter into prep�red b�king dish. B�ke for 35 to 40 minutes or until � toothpick inserted in center comes out cle�n. Cool completely in p�n before frosting.
For the Frosting:
1. Melt butter in � l�rge s�ucep�n over MEDIUM he�t. Whisk in coco� powder, buttermilk �nd v�nill�. Turn he�t to LOW �nd whisk in powdered sug�r until you've re�ched desired consistency. It should be thick but pour�ble. Continue whisking vigorously until smooth. Stir in chopped nuts, if using.
2. Immedi�tely pour frosting over c�ke �nd use �n offset sp�tul� or butter knife to spre�d it out evenly over the surf�ce. �llow to set for � few minutes before slicing �nd serving the c�ke.