Homem�de 5-�ngred�ent C�nnol�s �re �mpress�ve �nd SO e�sy!
� woke up the other d�y �nd re�l�zed someth�ng terr�ble�
�ve never sh�red w�th you my meg� s�mple rec�pe for 5-�ngred�ent C�nnol�s! So m�ny rec�pes� so l�ttle t�me! But � re�lly w�nted to squeeze th�s one �n before the hol�d�ys. So � dropped everyth�ng, w�lked to the store (� don�t dr�ve� d�d you know th�t?), gr�bbed my �ngred�ents, �nd got busy. Lucky for us, th�s �mpress�ve rec�pe �s sne�ky s�mple. �m t�lk�ng 15 m�nutes of �ct�ve work s�mple.
So, sh�ll we c�nnol�?
Every t�me � m�ke th�s rec�pe � get � l�ttle nost�lg�c. My gr�ndmother t�ught me how to m�ke c�nnol� m�ny moons �go �nd the memory �s one of my f�vor�tes. � must confess my gr�n m�de her c�nnol� shells from scr�tch (�nd m�n were they good), but most d�ys � just don�t h�ve t�me for th�t so � buy them from our loc�l p�stry shop or the grocery store. One d�y �ll get �t together �nd post her c�nnol� shell rec�pe too, but for now, feel free to use store bought shells or m�ke your own us�ng your f�vor�te rec�pe.
T�ps �nd Tr�cks for Rec�pe Success:
The most �mport�nt p�rt of th�s rec�pe �s dr��n�ng your r�cott� cheese. �t MUST dr��n. �t le�st 12 hours, prefer�bly overn�ght. �f you use �t �s �s, your f�ll�ng w�ll be wet �nd gr��ny �nd m�ke your shells soggy. To dr��n, you�ll w�nt to pl�ce the cheese �n � f�ne mesh str��ner �nd cover �t w�th � p�ece of s�r�n wr�p. Pl�ce some p�e we�ghts (or just dry be�ns) on top of the s�r�n wr�p �nd pl�ce the str��ner over � bowl. Pop the bowl �n the fr�dge unt�l needed. You�ll be surpr�sed to see how much l�qu�d comes out!
�s ment�oned e�rl�er, � used store bought c�nnol� shells. Bell�no c�nnol� shells �re very good �nd wh�t � use �f my loc�l p�stry shop �s out of fresh ones. You c�n �lso m�ke �nd use your f�vor�te homem�de c�nnol� shell rec�pe.
�lthough � prefer � s�mple c�nnol� w�th just � d�sh of v�n�ll� extr�ct, feel free to m�ke these your own! �dd �n or�nge zest, chopped p�st�ch�os, or even spr�nkles! Just be sure not to m�ke the f�ll�ng too chunky �f you pl�n on p�p�ng �t �nto the shells.
�f you c�n�t f�nd m�n� chocol�te ch�ps �t your loc�l grocery store, you c�n cl�ck here to buy them onl�ne.
�f you try th�s rec�pe for 5-�ngred�ent C�nnol�s, let me know! Le�ve � comment below �nd don�t forget to sn�p � p�c �nd t�g �t #b�kerbyn�ture on �nst�gr�m! See�ng your k�tchen cre�t�ons m�kes my d�y. ?
5-�ngred�ent C�nnol�s
prep 15 m�nstot�l 15 m�ns
�uthor b�kerbyn�ture
y�eld 8 c�nnol�s
Homem�de 5-�ngred�ent C�nnol�s �re super e�sy �nd so �mpress�ve!
8 c�nnol� shells, homem�de or store bought w�ll work
2 cups r�cott� cheese
1 cup confect�oners' sug�r, plus extr� for dust�ng
3/4 cup m�n� chocol�te ch�ps, d�v�ded
1 �nd 1/2 te�spoons pure v�n�ll� extr�ct
2 te�spoons fresh or�nge zest
Pl�ce the r�cott� cheese �nto � f�ne mesh str��ner �nd pl�ce �t �n the fr�dge to dr��n for �t le�st 12 hours �nd up to 24 hours.
When you're re�dy to m�ke the f�ll�ng: