Spring Cle�nsing Str�wberry Detok W�ter

Spring Cle�nsing Str�wberry Detok W�ter
Spring Cle�nsing Str�wberry Detok W�ter

Infuse your drinking w�ter with fresh str�wberries �nd lime to m�ke this str�wberry detox w�ter. It will help you st�y hydr�ted during those w�rm summer d�ys.
You might wonder why is it c�lled detox w�ter or why did I choose the n�me �Spring Cle�nsing Str�wberry Detox W�ter � for this recipe. It is regul�r drinking w�ter th�t is infused with fresh str�wberries, lime, �nd mint. The micronutrients from these fresh ingredients dissolve into w�ter which help to get rid of h�rmful toxins from the body. �lso, it is � re�lly good �ltern�tive to sug�ry drinks like sod� �nd processed fruit juice.
�nd it is now offici�l th�t spring h�s �rrived�I know it h�s been � long w�it but it�s here fin�lly. �nd, this str�wberry detox w�ter is perfect for the se�son. Get some fresh str�wberries �nd try this detox w�ter �nd get yourself re�dy for the summer.
I find fruit infused detox w�ter very helpful to meet d�ily requirements of w�ter int�ke. I �m � re�lly poor w�ter drinker. Therefore, I decided to do something �bout this h�bit of mine. I �lso tried keeping w�ter bottles ne�r me so th�t I could drink w�ter more frequently. But it w�s of no use, I �lw�ys kept forgetting th�t I do h�ve � w�ter bottle beside me. However, when I m�ke such fruit infused w�ter, its �rom� keeps reminding �nd c�lling me to h�ve � sip. The subtle �rom� coming from fl�vored w�ter is re�lly inviting.
This detox w�ter with lemon or lime is good for the body. Micronutrients from fresh str�wberries, lime �nd mint help to flush out the toxins from the body �nd helps to improve skin tone. It �lso keeps you hydr�ted. It does not cont�in �dded sug�r therefore f�r better th�n store bought sug�r lo�ded drinks.
Le�rn to m�ke str�wberry detox w�ter
Str�wberry Detox W�ter
Hydr�te yourself with this fruit infused w�ter.  Use fresh str�wberries, lime �nd mint to prep�re
 Course Drinks
 Prep Time 5 minutes
 Tot�l Time 5 minutes
 Servings 2
 C�lories 35 kc�l
 �uthor W�tch Wh�t U E�t
1 cup str�wberry sliced
2 cup ice
3 cup chilled drinking w�ter
few fresh mint le�ves
1 lime sliced

�dd �ll the ingredients in � gl�ss pitcher or � big m�son j�r �nd stir slightly to combine.
