This no-bake mango cheesecake is any mango lover�s Paradise.

I am Indian.

This more or less means that I was born with a penchant for mangoes.

In India, you can find variety upon variety of the popular fruit: we�re crazy about that stuff. We use mangoes to make mango pickles that accompany rotis or Indian flatbread. We eat them plain, by the kilo. And of course, we transform them into killer desserts.

I�ve got a whole category on my blog dedicated to no-bake desserts, but this recipe for no-bake mango cheesecake is probably the most unique addition.

Subtle traces of lemon or lime merge well with that sweet, silky mango flavor. Chunks of mango scattered throughout the batter not only add a playful surprise to the silky-smooth cheesecake texture, but also lend a breath of freshness to this classic summer dessert.

This dish reminds me of a more refined, less sweet version of the mango ice-cream I used to inhale when I was younger. Ah. The memories.

I had to test this recipe about a dozen times to perfect it, so I can guarantee excellent results if you follow the steps as instructed. A couple things to note:

- You really do need the gelatin in order to set the mango cheesecake. 1 tbsp is the perfect amount for a luscious, creamy texture. Any more and you�ll end up with a consistency that leans towards jell-o.  Agar-agar can also be substituted, but I�ve personally never tried using it.
- To maximize flavor, I choose to use canned mango pulp (alfonso pulp- it�s available in most Indian food stores) in the cheesecake mixture and then fold in fresh mango chunks later on. The canned mango pulp is sweeter, has a beautiful color and is generally more flavorful than fresh mango pulp (it can also be used throughout the year which is a bonus). But obviously you can use fresh pulp if you�ve got some super sweet, super delicious mangos on hand.
- If you�re making this cheesecake when mangoes aren�t in season, I would substitute the fresh mango chunks with bits of strawberry, raspberry or even peach if you can. The fresh fruit really takes this dessert to a whole new level.
- Because you�re using fresh fruit, make sure to serve this mango cheesecake as soon as possible- otherwise the fruit will start to ferment.
- If you can�t get your hands on cream cheese, use mascarpone cheese instead. It�ll work fine.
If you give this recipe a try, let me know how it works out!



1 � cups (150 g) digestive biscuits/graham crackers/plain cookies, crushed
� cup (55 g) butter, melted

� cup (180 mL) heavy whipping cream
8 oz (225 g) white chocolate
11 oz (300 g) cream cheese
1 � cups (375 mL) mango pulp*
2 tbsp fresh lemon juice
1 tbsp gelatin
� cup (60 mL) water
1 � 1 � cups ripe mangoes, diced (the flesh of approximately two mangos)

3 tbsp mango pulp
fresh flowers


1.Crush the biscuits using a food processor or by placing them into a Ziploc bag and smashing them with a rolling pin.
2.Stir the crumbs with the melted butter and press on the bottom of an 8-inch (20 cm) springform tin. Set the base aside.
3.In a bowl, whip the heavy cream until the result is soft peaks. Beat in the cream cheese.
4.Next, melt the white chocolate either over a double boiler or in the microwave, stirring after every 30 seconds or until smooth.
5.Quickly whisk the white chocolate into the cream cheese mixture.
6.Then add in the mango pulp and fresh lemon juice until everything is smooth.
7.In a microwave safe bowl, stir together the gelatin and water. Let the mixture stand for about 5 minutes to bloom and thicken, then dissolve in the microwave over 15 second increments or over a stovetop over low heat, stirring constantly.
8.Gradually drip in 6 tablespoons of the cheesecake batter stirring continuously. Work quickly as the gelatin will begin to set as soon as it has been melted.
9.Add the tempered gelatin to the rest of the cheesecake batter stirring immediately after it has been added.
10.Fold in the mango chunks. The chunks should be 1 cm cubes. This recipe is great using fresh mango, but if you prefer to leave the mango chunks out, you could replace them with fresh raspberries, strawberries or peaches.
11.Pour the filling into the springform pan and dollop with the mango pulp.
12.Using a toothpick, swirl the pulp into the cheesecake- but beware, over-swirling is actually over-mixing and you�ll end up with a messy surface devoid of a swirl pattern.
13.Chill the cheesecake for a minimum of 6 hours or overnight, until set.
14.Garnish with fresh flowers and serve chilled.

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