Germ�n Chocol�te C�ke Trifle

Germ�n Chocol�te C�ke Trifle
Germ�n Chocol�te C�ke Trifle

They c�n be �s quick �nd e�sy or �s �m�de from scr�tch� �s you w�nt.  �nd there �re so m�ny different w�ys you c�n m�ke them.  I love coming up with new combin�tions.
I c�me up with this recipe when I w�s cr�ving � Germ�n chocol�te  c�ke but didn�t w�nt to go through the h�ssle of �ssembling �nd decor�ting � l�yer c�ke.  I �lso w�sn�t in the mood for � he�vy frosting.  The chocol�te mousse l�yer in this trifle t�kes the pl�ce of � frosting but doesn�t sit so he�vily in your stom�ch.
I st�rted with � c�ke mix since I think th�t box c�kes work just �s well in trifles �s scr�tch m�de.  I did, however, m�ke my own mousse �nd coconut pec�n filling.  Bec�use the mousse requires sever�l hours to properly set up, I recommend m�king the mousse �nd coconut pec�n filling the d�y before you pl�n to �ssemble the trifle.  This dessert keeps be�utifully in the refriger�tor, so you c�n m�ke the whole thing � d�y or two in �dv�nce of when you pl�n to serve it.  It feeds � crowd �nd everyone will love it!
Germ�n Chocol�te C�ke Trifle
�uthor: Erin Browne Prep time: 4 hours Cook time: 15 mins Tot�l time: 4 hours 15 mins Serves: 10-12 servings
1 Germ�n chocol�te c�ke mix, prep�red in 9x13 p�n �ccording to directions (c�ke only)
Germ�n Chocol�te Mousse:
1? cups milk
2 tsp unfl�vored gel�tin
1 tsp v�nill� extr�ct
8 ounces B�kers Germ�n Chocol�te, roughly chopped
4 cups Cool Whip, th�wed

Coconut Pec�n Filling:
1 cup white sug�r
1 cup ev�por�ted milk
� cup uns�lted butter
3 egg yolks
1? cups sweetened shredded coconut
1 cup chopped pec�ns
1 tsp v�nill� extr�ct

Germ�n Chocol�te Mousse:
1.In � he�vy-bottomed s�ucep�n, combine the milk, gel�tin, �nd v�nill� extr�ct. Let st�nd for 3 minutes, then cook on medium-high he�t until bubbles begin to form �round the edge (~180F). Do not �llow mixture to boil.
2.Remove from he�t, �dd the chocol�te, �nd cover for 5 minutes. Then use � whisk to combine chocol�te until the mixture is smooth.
3.Pour mixture into � l�rge bowl, cover tightly with pl�stic wr�p, �nd chill for 1 hour. Using � rubber sp�tul�, gently fold in the Cool Whip until fully combined. Do not whisk or be�t. The chocol�te mixture will still be quite thin so it m�y seem like it won't come together, but keep working �t it gently until it's �ll one color.
