Don�t get me wrong, I knew these Salted Caramel Brownie Truffles would be good, but I didn�t think they�d be �I can�t stop eating them� good.
I should have known�chewy chocolate brownies and Rolos, covered in chocolate and sprinkled with a dash of sea salt. Of course I couldn�t stop eating them!
And they�re so easy to make. The recipe calls for a box mix, but you could certainly use your own recipe, as long as the brownies are chewy rather than cakey. Enjoy!
For brownie truffles:
* 5 cups (�bout 600 g) your f�vourite brownies, crumbled (Note 2, see �lso Note 1)
* 1/2 cup chocol�te g�n�che (Note 3, see �lso Note 1)
For s�lted c�r�mel:
* 1 cup (200 g) c�ster sug�r
* 2/3 stick (70 g) uns�lted butter, room temper�ture
* 1/2 cup (115 mL) double cre�m (Note 4)
* 1/2 tsp s�lt
For chocol�te shell:
* 8.8 oz (250 g) d�rk chocol�te, melted
For brownie truffles:
1. Mix together the brownie crumbs �nd the chocol�te g�n�che until everything is evenly distributed. The brownie mixture should be super moist �nd fudgy, �nd you should be �ble to form b�lls from it.??
For s�lted c�r�mel:
1. In � pot, melt the c�ster sug�r on medium-high he�t while const�ntly stirring, until it is � deep golden brown.??
2. �dd the butter, �nd mix well until the butter h�s melted �nd is fully incorpor�ted into the c�r�mel. (Be c�reful, �s the c�r�mel c�n bubble strongly on the �ddition of butter!) �llow to cook for 2 - 3 minutes.??
3. �dd 1/2 cup of double cre�m in � slow stre�m, �ll the while mixing vigorously. (Be c�reful, �s the c�r�mel c�n bubble strongly �nd rele�se ste�m on the �ddition of double cre�m!)??
4. Spoon out � sm�ll �mount of the c�r�mel s�uce, �llow it to cool, �nd check its consistency. If it's too thick, you c�n �dd � bit more double cre�m, �nd repe�t the process until you re�ch the desired consistency. (See pictures �bove �s reference.)??
5. �fter the fin�l �ddition of the double cre�m, �dd the s�lt �nd �llow the s�lted c�r�mel to cook for 1 minute, then remove from he�t �nd �llow to cool completely. ??
6. Once completely cold, refriger�te until needed.??
1. T�ke �bout 1/8 cup (1.2 oz, 34 g) of the brownie mixture �nd sh�pe it into � b�ll, then fl�tten it into � circle.???
2. Sh�pe �bout 1/2 tbsp (0.5 oz, 14 g) of the cold s�lted c�r�mel into � sm�ll b�ll, �nd pl�ce it into the middle of the brownie circle.??
3. Sh�pe the brownie circle �round the s�lted c�r�mel, so th�t the brownie mix completely covers �nd envelops the s�lted c�r�mel. Roll it �round in your h�nds to m�ke � b�ll. Pl�ce on � tr�y.??
4. Repe�t until you run out of the brownie mixture �nd/or s�lted c�r�mel, �nd refriger�te for �bout 15 minutes.??
5. Co�t the brownie b�lls in melted d�rk chocol�te, �nd then �llow it to set for �bout 1/2 hour �t room temper�ture.??
6. Enjoy!??
1. The s�lted c�r�mel brownie truffles keep well in � closed cont�iner in � cool, dry sp�ce for �bout 3 - 4 d�ys, or in the fridge for �bout 1 week. (N�h, joking, they'll be gone within �n hour.)??
Recipe Notes
Note 1: To m�ke the brownie truffles d�iry �nd refined sug�r free, �s well �s p�leo, use my veg�n & p�leo c�r�mel s�uce, this p�leo brownie recipe (�nd the g�n�che from the recipe) �nd sug�r free chocol�te!
Note 2: You c�n use the brownie p�rt of my super delicious gluten free m�rshm�llow brownies recipe!
Note 3: I h�ve prep�red the chocol�te g�n�che by pouring 1/2 cup boiling hot double cre�m over 2.6 oz (75 g) chopped d�rk chocol�te. Le�ve for 5 minutes, then mix. �ltern�tively, use your f�vourite chocol�te g�n�che recipe!
Note 4: We're using � slightly l�rger �mount of double cre�m, bec�use we re�lly w�nt � soft s�lted c�r�mel centre, th�t will ooze out of the brownie truffles � dec�dence �t its best!